H-Ext 0.5.0 and above
Note: Expected to be used as standard for general compatible with Halo game versions.
- Type in load in ANY Halo game versions’ shortcut property.
- Start up Halo, wait until it is done and you should see a message from H-Ext.
- You’re done!
- Use same method as below for ANY Halo game versions.
S-Ext (renamed from DZS OS SAPP) 0.2.0 - Install
Warning: S-Ext is discontinue, please use H-Ext instead.
- Use same method as below. (Also works for Halo 1.00, 1.07 - 1.09 Custom Edition dedicated server.)
DZS OS SAPP (original name) 0.1.0 - 0.1.4 Install
Warning: DZS OS SAPP is discontinue, please use H-Ext instead.
- Start up Halo Custom Edition v1.09 dedicated server.
- After Halo is done start up, type in load in the halo( command prompt.
- Wait until DZS OS SAPP / S-Ext is loaded.
- You’re done!
- Type in “load” without the quote in a custom init.txt file
- Start up Halo dedicated server with init.txt inside the shortcut property.
- Wait until Halo is done start up and DZS OS SAPP / S-Ext is loaded.
- You’re done!