H-Ext 0.5.0 and above

  1. Type in load in ANY Halo game versions’ shortcut property.
  2. Start up Halo, wait until it is done and you should see a message from H-Ext.
  3. You’re done!


  • Use same method as below for ANY Halo game versions.

S-Ext (renamed from DZS OS SAPP) 0.2.0 - Install

  • Use same method as below. (Also works for Halo 1.00, 1.07 - 1.09 Custom Edition dedicated server.)

DZS OS SAPP (original name) 0.1.0 - 0.1.4 Install

  1. Start up Halo Custom Edition v1.09 dedicated server.
  2. After Halo is done start up, type in load in the halo( command prompt.
  3. Wait until DZS OS SAPP / S-Ext is loaded.
  4. You’re done!


  1. Type in “load” without the quote in a custom init.txt file
  2. Start up Halo dedicated server with init.txt inside the shortcut property.
  3. Wait until Halo is done start up and DZS OS SAPP / S-Ext is loaded.
  4. You’re done!