
Released Command Description Deprecated Reason
? - (Current) ext_about To see information about the H-Ext. (none)
? - (Current) ext_admin_add (player_express/CDHash) (username) (password) (level) [remote] [temp_pass_force] Permit hoster and/or higher level administrator with access to add administrator to the list. (none)
? - (Current) ext_admin_del (index ID / username) Ability to remove an administrator from the list permanently. (none)
? - (Current) ext_admin_list [page_number] List of all admins stored in the database. (Finally supportive!) (none)
? - (Current) ext_admin_online List of all admins online. (ingame only, remote will be support later) (none)
? - (Current) ext_admin_update (index ID / username) (user / pass / level / ip / port / remote / temp_pass / hash) (your_input_here) Ability to modify the administrator from the list. (none)
? - (Current) ext_admin_sync Allow the administrator to sync their IP Address and IP Port into the administrator list (similar to update) (none)
? - (Current) ext_admin_requirement (login:boolean) (IP_Address:boolean) (IP_Port:boolean) To enforce match requirement against the administrator list to determine is authorized or not. (none)
? - (Current) ext_admin_requirement_login (IP_Address:boolean) (IP_Port:boolean) Given administrator login enforcement to included the verify check security (the higher it is, the more chance administrator unable to login). (none)
? - (Current) ext_admin_login (username:string) (password:string) This allows the administrators to login just in case if the system does not recognize or not match the required qualification to recognize an administrator in-game. (none)
? - (Current) ext_admin_password_change (current_password:string) (new_password:string) Gives the opportunity for any level administrator to change their own password, even temporary password. (none)
? - (Current) ext_admin_unlimit_level [0-9999] To permit specific level and above to access every commands. (Default: 9999) (none)
? - (Current) ext_rcon_admin_level [-1 - 9999] Permit admins to use the rcon execute restriction. (Default: -1) (none)
? - (Current) ext_rcon_admin_pass_enable [boolean] To permit the admins to use their own password to execute the rcon command. (Default: true) (none)
? - (Current) ext_rcon_pass_bad_disable [boolean] If the password is wrong, it will return “bad password”. As for extra protection, can enforce to “password is disabled” message return. (Default: false) (none)
? - (Current) ext_addon_load (file_name) Load a plugin file into Halo’s memory. (none)
? - (Current) ext_addon_unload (file_name) Unload a plugin file from Halo’s memory. (none)
? - (Current) ext_addon_unload_all Unload all of the active plugins from Halo’s memory. (none)
? - (Current) ext_addon_list [page_number] To list of all active plugins. (none)
? - (Current) ext_func_alias (func_name / alias_name ) To see shorter name(s) for the function. (none)
? - (Current) ext_func_alias_add (func_name) (alias_name) Add a shorter name for the function. (none)
? - (Current) ext_func_alias_del (func_name) (alias_name) Delete a shorter name from the function. (none) - (Current) ext_halo_crash [boolean] To allow Halo crash with notification show up. (Default: false) (none)