Keep in reminder, the listed below are ‘‘just’’ for halo management only. We will perform some syncs for listed below to work with either halo’s netcode or custom netcode.

Vehicle Section

function Player sync? AI sync? Comment
enter YES NO Might will have a workaround for this.
exit YES NO? Has not verified for AI.

Biped Section

function Player sync? AI sync? Comment
flashlight PARTIAL Unconfirmed Noticed player claimed flash light is off but most players can see flashlight is still on. (Flashlight toggle may be incorrect or loss of packet data.)

Object Section

function Sync? Comment
created Player: YES
Scenery: PARTIAL
Vehicle: YES
Weapon: YES
Gametype Object: YES
Has not verified for AI and Scenery.
deleted Player: PARTIAL
Scenery: NO
Vehicle: YES
Weapon: YES
Gametype Object: YES
Has not verified for AI and Scenery.
update Player: YES
Scenery: NO
Vehicle: YES
Weapon: YES
Gametype Object: YES
Some claim players are able to warp around the map.
camouflage Player: YES
Scenery: NO
Vehicle: NO
Weapon: NO
Gametype Object: NO
Camouflage is only setup for players base on halo’s code. Will need to perform separate netcode packet in order to sync.

AI Section

Including above sections

function Sync? Comment
position NO Confirmed with other players.
action NO Does not sync AI shooting at specific player or other AI along with other things.
death PARTIAL Never has revealed death even when it occurred.